Sunday, May 29, 2005

For the backburner

It has been agreed by Jeannie and I that we will first put the documentary idea for Banahaw in the archives of our minds. Although we know that the project could have turned out beautiful, it is probably not the right time due to the depressed economy and the difficulty we're having in acquiring funds and equipment.
Til the next time.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

On Hold

Looks like Banahaw documentary will be put on hold due to the lack of funds and lack of equipment not to mention the lack of time from the people involved. It will be shelved first into our memories and will hopefully have a rebirth sometime this year when times are a bit more favorable.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Nothing moving

Today I'm going to vent my frustrations. It's hot enough to blow off some steam without really trying too hard. There has been no movement sponsor wise on the documentary and I'm beginning to get agitated and pretty deterred by all this. With no money and no free camera am not quite sure how we can move. I'm not even "moved" enough to really get into mulling over the script. It's a bit difficult as I want to shoot something already, but money is a frustrating thing too. Everyone I know is getting into a financial bind, and we all have to tighten our belts. Anyway, we've given ourselves til the end of May to get this party started. Soldiering on...

Getting ready

Today starts the first day of "production" for a 45 min. documentary entitled "Vanishing Voices" the Plight of a Sacred Mountain. What is going to happen this morning is that me and my co-producer and editor are off for an ocular to plan logistics on how to shoot. It's been many years for me since I've been to what is known as The Power Mountain and I haven't slept a wink. It's now 4am and we're supposed to set off in half an hour. I am extremely excited and there is everything hopeful and prayerful and wishful in my thoughts that this will be a beautiful, touching and enlightening documentary. The third co-producer, who is also going to be writer and researcher cannot join us today. Maybe it's better that way as she is so well versed with the way of the mountain and this should be a discovery for both me and the other producer. This will be a whole day affair and I am equipped with my trusty and reliable Nikon Coolpix 5700. Later perhaps I may be able to post photos.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Trying to move

Today was not a very productive day in terms of Banahaw progress. I was able to save the photos I took from the ocular to CD and Jeannie, Greg and I have agreed to meet tomorrow (May 3) with regard to the next step. Jen has requested a computer so we can view her suggestions for treatment on the documentary.We're probably going to banahaw again over the weekend, perhaps Friday to Sat. Tito Tonypet was here earlier as he wanted to discuss his eagle documentary. I wish I could help him out more but my focus has to be on this Vanishing Voices first.Keeping my fingers crossed that we get our sponsors in and that Canon does supply us with a couple of cameras and equipment.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Banahaw docu

Banahaw in the distance

The Day After

Well, it's the day after and my body is a little stiff and painful. But I had a wonderful experience and my thoughts are filled with what would be the best way to tackle such a subject which is Banahaw. I understand how it is indeed revered by those who are older and who have had magical experiences on the mountain but part of me is thinking of the audience. Since this is advocacy we want people, after watching it to take action. And part of that movement should be the old who have money and influence, and the young, who have passion and energy.So, next step is to sit down for a meeting to see what the best treatment would be for this docu. After watching Greg go through Jusgado I strongly feel he should be interviewed as well since he had a very eye opening experience. Not knowing anything